Larry Fleet – Health Nuts


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A post shared by Larry Fleet (@larryfleet)

Question: Tell me about this Health nut kick..
Larry Fleet: “Well, the health nut thing is a it’s a movement, really. I started me and my bass player Crazy Legs. If you’ve ever been to one of my shows, you know, my bass player, he’s. He’s got his own fan group over there. He’s. He looks like Gumby out there and around. His legs are all over the place. He dances. He’s he’s a he’s a right. I love him and he’s been with me the longest of anybody. And back when I was playing bars and I could barely afford to pay him at all anything. He was with me and he’s been with me through the whole thing. And so. The health nuts come from me and him sitting around, I guess around, you know, Covid times and maybe a little bit before that. And I said, hey, look, we need to go exercise or something. Let’s get out and do something. So he had a mountain bike and I went and got me one, and we just decided we were going to go round trails around Chattanooga. I was living in Chattanooga at the time, so we, met up and there was a parking lot, and it was a Whole Foods. Neither me or him have ever been into a Whole Foods, but I was like, let’s just meet there. It’s a good parking lot. And so I did an Instagram story and I was like, look at those health nuts hanging out the Whole Foods. And, you know, here we are. And so we. That’s how it began. And then we we get on the bikes and we rode around and we were just kind of being goofy at first and. Both of us are really out of shape and and Eric go crazy legs. He will have to pull over and smoke cigarets to catch his breath, you know, from time to time. But, it became a thing and we started doing that almost every day.”

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