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Question: Why is “Six Feet Under” last song on the album?
HARDY: “Six Feet Under is the last song on the album, because it’s a little different than the rest of the album, and I historically have done that, like with one beer on hixtape, with the redneck Song On the Mockingbird and The Crow with a Rock on a Rock, and it’s just the song that maybe has a little bit left of center or something that you maybe least expect. And to me, it just puts a nice little bow on the end of the album, a nice little emotional stamp, or a moment at the end of the album. For people maybe to to be like, damn, that was a good album. At least that’s what I hope. But yeah, there are some strategy to making that song. The last the last song on the album, it was that it was the the theatrics of it all.”